.spanstyle { position:absolute; visibility:visible; top:-50px; font-size:10pt; font-family:Verdana; font-weight:bold; color:white; } /* Cursor Trailor Text- By Peter Gehrig (http://www.24fun.ch/) Provided from: http://www.javafile.com */ var x,y var step=20 var flag=0 // Your snappy message. Important: the space at the end of the sentence!!! var message="Achtergronden ! " message=message.split("") var xpos=new Array() for (i=0;i
/* Magic Wand cursor (By Kurt at kurt.grigg@virgin.net) From: http://www.javafile.com */ if (document.all){ with (document){ write('') write('') write('') write('') write('') write('') write('') write('') write('') write('') write('') write('') write('') write('') write('') write('') } } var Clrs=new Array(6) Clrs[0]='ff0000'; Clrs[1]='00ff00'; Clrs[2]='000aff'; Clrs[3]='ff00ff'; Clrs[4]='fff000'; Clrs[5]='fffff0'; if (document.layers) {window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE);} var yBase = 200; var xBase = 200; var step; var currStep = 0; var Xpos = 1; var Ypos = 1; if (document.all) { function MoveHandler(){ Xpos = document.body.scrollLeft+event.x; Ypos = document.body.scrollTop+event.y; } document.onmousemove = MoveHandler; } else if (document.layers) { function xMoveHandler(evnt){ Xpos = evnt.pageX; Ypos = evnt.pageY; } window.onMouseMove = xMoveHandler; } function animateLogo() { if (document.all) { yBase = window.document.body.offsetHeight/4; xBase = window.document.body.offsetWidth/4; } else if (document.layers) { yBase = window.innerHeight/4; xBase = window.innerWidth/4; } if (document.all) { for ( i = 0 ; i < starsDiv.all.length ; i++ ) {step=3; starsDiv.all[i].style.top = Ypos + yBase*Math.cos((currStep + i*4)/12)*Math.cos(0.7+currStep/200); starsDiv.all[i].style.left = Xpos + xBase*Math.sin((currStep + i*3)/10)*Math.sin(8.2+currStep/400); for (ai=0; ai < Clrs.length; ai++) { var c=Math.round(Math.random()*[ai]); } starsDiv.all[i].style.background=Clrs[c]; } } else if (document.layers) { for ( j = 0 ; j < 14 ; j++ ) //number of NS layers! {step = 4; var templayer="a"+j document.layers[templayer].top = Ypos + yBase*Math.sin((currStep + j*4)/12)*Math.cos(0.7+currStep/200); document.layers[templayer].left = Xpos + xBase*Math.sin((currStep + j*3)/10)*Math.sin(8.2+currStep/400); for (aj=0; aj < Clrs.length; aj++) { var c=Math.round(Math.random()*[aj]); } document.layers[templayer].bgColor=Clrs[c]; } } currStep+= step; setTimeout("animateLogo()", 10); } animateLogo(); // -->
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